making chadwell heath greener

Back in 2018, the Chadwell Heath South Residents’ Association pledged to find ways to make our neighbourhood greener and more environmentally friendly. This process started with the rejuvenation of our Community Garden on the corner of Wangey Road/Cedar Park Gardens. Our next aim was to initiate a street tree planting scheme in Chadwell Heath.

After two years of discussions with Redbridge Council, Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure and their strategic partners Trees for Cities, we are delighted with their recent announcement that up to 50 street trees will be planted in Spring 2021. The following six streets have been confirmed:

  • High Road

  • Wangey Road

  • Cedar Park Gardens

  • Birchdale Gardens

  • Mansted Gardens

  • Montpelier Gardens

These new street trees will contribute to biodiversity, encourage urban wildlife, soften the impact of car parking, help regulate air quality and improve our well-being.

Fourteen different tree species have been selected:

Large tree species

Medium tree species

Small tree species

Very small tree species

All tree species were chosen by experienced Tree Officers and Landscape Architects. They will not have large roots, but will grow to a suitable, small height and size for city street trees. Trees for Cities will water and maintain the trees for three years after planting. This includes regular watering in the spring and summer months. After this, the trees will be maintained by Redbridge Council.

We wish to thank Cllr Kam Rai (Cabinet Member for Finance, Leisure and Culture), Peter Marshall (Arboricultural Officer), Laki Begum (East Neighbourhood Education and Engagement Officer) and John Keaveny (Community Engagement Coordinator for Trees for Cities) for their support in making this happen.